This week we read Mosiah 4-6. In this section King Benjamin continues his instruction about how to show love to God by being obedient and serving others (Mosiah 4). He urges them to humble themselves, repent, and call upon God (4:9-10). King Benjamin then proclaims that they have taken upon themselves the name of "Children of Christ" (5:8), and he urges them to retain in their memory the name of Christ (5:12).
In the past when I have read these chapters, it didn't feel like a story of something that really happened. Two things made it seem like a folk retelling, or an exaggeration of what must have actually happened: 1. That they all fell to the earth when they heard his words (4:1) and that they all quoted, in unison, a long speech about their acceptance of the words of King Benjamin (5:2-5). Do people really fall down to the ground when they hear a moving speech? Do they all spontaneously say the same thing when moved by the spirit? Sure, maybe they did, but it seemed really unlikely. I figured that some significant confirmation of faith had happened at the temple in Zarahemla, but that over the years the story of it had been rewritten in a stylized way. \
This time as I was reading through it, I had a different perspective. Up until three months ago I had been serving as an ordinance worker at the Provo temple. In the temple ordinance patrons do stand up, sit down and quote things in unison. Because of that perspective, it began to seem likely to me that Mosiah 1-6 recounts a set ceremony, not a chance occurrence. People have come to the temple to have a specific experience/ordinance that have prepared for. They have memorized their parts and their lines ahead of time and come ready to participate in the believe-affirming ceremony with their families. Whether this was an annual ceremony or whether this was a special ceremony, ordained by King Benjamin, to reunify his people after a long period of warfare, I don't know, but it seems obvious to me that what happened at the temple that day was scripted.
Some might think this point of view removes the sense of the miraculous from the event, and thus makes it less significant. I mean, it would seem pretty amazing if people just spontaneously started saying a long speech in unison because they were all moved upon by the Spirit at the same time. I think, however, it is more valuable for us in this day to see this as an equivalent to our modern Temple ceremonies. The fact that ceremony was scripted instead of spontaneous does not mean that it was not meaningful and impactful on the people present. Their recommitment to believe, serve, and obey could be just as sincere even if it was preplanned and anticipated. On the contrary, if this was an annual event, the repetition of the ceremony would tend to make it more lasting and impactful than if it was a one-time spontaneous result of the outpouring of the spirit.
The leaders of the church have been emphasizing the important of attending the temple lately. I would estimate that at least 3/4 of the talks last conference were about temple covenants. I think the story of King Benjamin's speech at the temple is a reminder and a encouragement for us to go to the temple prepared to recommit ourselves to keeping our temple covenants. If we are doing it right we should go to the temple prepared to receive a "mighty change" so that we have "no more disposition to do evil" (5:2). As I have recently experienced, the spiritual high we feel at the temple tends to fade with time. Aren't we glad we can return and seek to feel that sense of the "infinite goodness of God" again and again. (5:3)
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