About Me

I am a professional librarian, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and an amature scriptorian. I studied Latin and Greek in college and am now trying to learn biblical Hebrew. This blog is just a place for me to record my ideas about scriptures I am studing

Sunday, July 3, 2022


 Elijah is one of the most famous prophets in the Old Testament.  His showy standoff against the priests of Baal is a favorite, especially for young people. Later, the writers of the New Testament make a point of showing the Jesus did the same kind of miracles that Elijah did--healing the sick, raising the dead, miraculiously multiplying food--thus proving that he was a true prophet. In Matthew 16:14, the deciples even mention that some people saw Jesus' miracles and thought he might be Elijah, come back from the dead. I think is was Taylor Halverson, from Book of Mormon Central, who said that there is a lot of Jewish folktales about Elijah showing up, even after his death, and saving people. 

So if Elijah was such an amazing prophet, why wasn't he happy with what he accomplished. After his amazing smackdown with Ahab, Elijah runs away and sits under a juniper tree and refuses to eat. 1Kings 19:4 "...and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough: now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers."  Why was he so depressed that an angel had to urge him to eat?  I think that the answer is in the last line, "for I am not better than my fathers."  I think Elijah was expecting that if he did this great miracle, all of Israel would recognize the Lord is God.  Instead, the people sought his life. He learned the sad truth that Moses learned before him.  Miracles don't convert people. Miracles confirm the faith of believers, but if people don't believe in God, they won't believe in the miracle.  A Christian would say that it is the Holy Spirit, whispering to the soul, that really converts   I think that is what God was trying to teach Elijah in 19:11-13.  Elijah was standing at the door of the cave where he was hiding and a great wind past by, and then an earthquakem, and then a fire "but the Lord was not in the earthquake...and after the fire a still small voice."  It is as if the Lord was saying, "yes, I can do the big miracles, but my greatest power is in my spirit."

It seems like the Lord was not angry with Elijah, either for doing the showy miracle, or for being super disappointed when it didn't cause the results he wanted.  Instead the Lord sends angels to help him through is disappointment, and finally gets him on his feet again. Elijah hasn't turned away from the Lord, but has clung to the Lord and has done his best to defend the interests of the Lord.  The Lord seems to honor his zeal and effort. 

I think this is a great message for anyone who has ever wanted very hard to do something big for other people. Sometimes we don't get to do the big thing, and sometimes, we do the "big" thing, but it turns out not like the person was expecting.  God is great and God is good and he will help us through our disaapointments. 

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